Strang Design- Week 1

Posted in: Pinhead Intern Blogs, Natalia Graham, 2020 Interns

My name is Natalia Graham and this is my first week of my virtual Pinhead internship! During my internship with Strang Design, I will be researching how the size of the average American home has increased, when it should really be decreasing. The reason the world needs smaller homes is because 40% of the carbon footprint is a result of how buildings are built and operated. Over the past few decades, the square footage of home space per person has doubled, which means that while the size of the average household has been going down, the size of the average home has been going up. Throughout my internship, I will be collecting data and making graphs about how to make homes more efficient and eco friendly.

During the first week of my virtual internship, I researched building codes for Miami-Dade County and Montrose County. I did this so I had a deeper understanding of what the basic requirements are for homes so I would know what aspects could be adjusted to make the building more efficient. After I made a list of all the building codes that applied to tiny houses, I moved onto researching how home sizes have increased, as well as the carbon footprint.

Outside of my internship I have been enjoying the beautiful Colorado weather! I hiked the Ouray Via Ferrata with my family and it was absolutely stunning!  

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