Ava Osborne, Asteroid Day, Luxembourg, Week 3

Hi it’s Ava again. This week was the most exciting week yet. Asteroid Day finally came! On June 30th I woke up very early to start preparing for the day. My main job was a “speaker wrangler” so whenever a speaker came down into the venue I looked at their name on a checklist that […]


Ava Osborne, Asteroid Day, Luxembourg – Week 2

Hi, my name is Ava Osborne and I am interning at Asteroid Day in the small country of Luxembourg.  This week was mainly preparing for the upcoming events.   I wrote a lot of posts for the social media to get everyone who follows Asteroid Day excited.  I also wrote a newsletter that will go out […]


Ava Osborne Luxembourg Asteroid Day Week One

Hi, my name is Ava Osborne and I am in the small country of Luxembourg to intern for Asteroid Day.  Asteroid Day is June 30th and it’s a day to bring awareness to all nations about the dangers and measures that should be taken in case of an asteroid hitting earth.  I arrived here on […]

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