Sophia McNamara, Microbes at the Schmidt Lab, UC Boulder, Last Week

Wow! What a wonderful journey this internship has been My last week at the lab was probably one of my favorites! On Tuesday, I said goodbye to my mentor Steve, as he left for Svalbard that night. I have been In contact with him since then, and it seems like an awesome place. This week, […]


Sophia McNamara, Microbes at Schmidt Lab UC Boulder, Week 5

Hey! I can’t believe I only have one more week to go.  My week began Monday morning, which consisted of some pretty standard weighing and randomizing. I also typed some old Quibit datato an organized spreadsheet.  On Tuesday, Steve and Adam gave me, Melia, and Emily a emergency plan for if the incubator frosts up […]


Sophia McNamara, Microbes at Wcmidt Lab UC Boulder, Week 4

         Hello everybody! I can’t believe it’s already been another week. This week in the lab, I spent a lot of time learning how different branches of stem can work in tandem to better an experiment. On Monday, I looked over a graph I had made last week of a previous experiment’s […]


Hello! I hope everyone is well. This week was pretty uneventful as far as the samples are concerned. They got weighed, watered, and counted as usual. One new thing I witnessed was the use of an autoclave, or a machine that sterilizes materials using high-pressured steam. The lab is required to autoclave old growths before […]


Sophia McNamara, Microbes at Schmidt Lab UC Boulder

Hi everyone! It has been another great week in Boulder! The week began with an analysis of DNA collections from a previous experiment. A machine called a Quibit counted the amount of DNA in one tube, (in nanograms), and we used this information and a bit of simple math to find the total amount of […]


Sophia McNamara, Microbes at the Schmidt lab UC Boulder, Week 2

Hello all! I’m excited to tell you about my first week at the Schmidt lab at UC Boulder. First, I’ll give a brief summary of the experiment which I a, helping with! My mentor, Steve Schmidt, wants to discern the limiting nutrient for cryoconite in Antarctic sediment holes. To do this, the lab has Antarctic […]


Sophia McNamara, Ecology and Microbes at CU Boulde

Hello everyone! Although my official internship at CU Boulder has not begun, this past week has been pretty busy. Monday through Friday, I spent time with the SunSpears camp at Pinhead headquarters. This was a camp for 6th-9th graders which introduced them to major themes concerning ecology and other Earth sciences. The camp began with […]

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