Skyler Nunn: Astrobiology, Week Four

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Skyler NW4c

ASU Palm Walkway

I spent a majority of week three on the more “astro” side of things. Of course I am still working the samples through columns and data analysis, but in the mean time, I was able to get out of the lab and see some new perspectives. I sat in on an astronomy presentation, in which my 3D glasses showed me the known universe with all currently known galaxies. The presentation was similar to one you might find in a museum, coinciding with many other things

Skyler NW4a

Telescope at the Lowell Observatory

the Earth and Space Science building offers such as its meteorite collection. I was able to check out a few different labs as well, ones on the more engineering side of things, building parts for shuttles and rockets space bound. ASU also has a lunar building dedicated to moon research and the moon landings, which I was able to explore.

Definitely the coolest part of the week was when Chad took me to the Lowell Observatory. Lowell is located in Flagstaff, AZ, which is a hipster college town with

Skyler NW4b

Picture of Saturn I took through the telescope

temperatures extremely refreshing compared to Tempe. The Observatory is most famous for its discovery of Pluto in 1930, and takes the demotion of the dwarf-planet’s planetary status as a personal insult (then again, don’t we all.) Chad and I were able to get a private tour at dusk along with some incoming ASU undergraduate students. We saw the telescope that discovered Pluto, received an introduction to the constellations, and got to look out of the Alvan Clark

Skyler NW4d

Macy’s Coffee Shop, Flagstaff

Telescope at Mars and Saturn.

With only two weeks left of my internship, time is really flying by! I want to once again thank Sarah and all the wonderful people at Pinhead for sending me here, and to Chad and the rest of the Anbar lab as well, for welcoming me. Till next week!

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