Graham Soukup AstroPhysics and Week 2

Posted in: Pinhead Intern Blogs, 2022 Interns, Graham Soukup

On my second week of my pinternship I continued troubleshooting the Modix 3-d Printer at LASP(Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics) with my fellow intern River.  We worked all week on the printer with highs and lows, we couldn’t figure out how to configure the Probe that identifies how far the bed is from the nozzle on the actual printer, and with this came lots of problems.  One being that we had to spend most of our week figuring out G-code, G-code is what is used to tell the printer how to move and what to do.  Learning G-Code was very time consuming and frustrating but interesting at the same time.  By Thursday River and I figured out that the printer needed an update for a new program that it needed.  After we updated it we ran into a huge problem.  River and I reset the printer erasing the WIFI inside the printer to connect your computer to, allowing to view the diagnostics of the printer.  This was a major problem as we now we couldn’t access the printer.  This week i’m hoping we can finally fix the printer and finish printing a cube.

In my Meantime I’ve been spending time with my host family, we have played lots of frisbee and sat down for lots of breakfasts and dinners.  Shay (9) and Quinn(12) left this week for their camp up in Northern Washington for 3 weeks.  The house is much more quiet with them gone, but I sure do miss their laughter and loud footsteps from upstairs.


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