Andrew Winkelmann: Environmental Engineering, Week 5

Posted in: Pinhead Intern Blogs, 2019 Interns, Andrew Winklemann

This week, we completed a successful test of the sensor network, using temperature sensors in place of the CO2 sensors. With three nodes, data was gathered, sent through the main node to a computer, which printed the data to a CSV file, which was then used to create a data map on a web page. This web page can be accessed by mobile device, or really any device with an internet connection. Sean was able to see the data collected on his phone!

We also received three different CO2 sensors that needed to be tested and calibrated so I was given one to mislead around with. I eventually got it to work and record some sensible data. What we are doing with these sensors is deciding which sensor we would  want to use with the network. This basically comes down to price and effectiveness, so we tested a variety of cheap sensors that are compatible with arduino. We will eventually have to decide which one is most reliable for the network.

On the side I have been looking at slices of micro CT scans of different rocks. The slices show a 2D model of a pore network but we can use them to create a model pore network using a 3D printed. These models allow us to test out how liquid flows through pore networks with different porosity and permeability . I have been messing with a way to select the CT scan easily with a little bit of python and a GUI. The GUI allows you to select an image from the set and then download it, so we can create a 3D model of that slice and record our  hele-shaw experiments.

Over the weekend, I actually got on a plane and traveled to Texas for a wedding and funeral. I was able to get some time in with the family and take a short break from being on my own. The food they prepared for me was 100x better than the food I am cooking by myself, so I think I gained some weight. That pretty much concludes week 5 and I am now on my last week. Its crazy how time flies when you are having fun!

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