Carter Andrew: Conservation Metrics: Week Five

Posted in: Pinhead Intern Blogs, 2019 Interns, Carter Andrew


My first plan for the week was to take a more careful look at the firmware for the devices (Audiomoths) I had been working on. I started on this project at the end of the previous week and did not had enough time to understand what was going on in the code. My first discovery of the week was a series of (apparently) unused functions made by the AudioMoth people used to read and write data to the SD cards in the devices. This was an extremely important and valuable discovery because up until that point I had no way to know under what directory the SD cards were located or if the device was capable of reading/writing in the way I intended to use it. 



Although I had a better understanding of the functionality of the code. I had yet to find a way to actually build the program in a way that the AudioMoth device could read. There was no documentable way to make the necessary file (a .bin file) to port over to the device. After reading up on the processors used by AudioMoth(Silicon Labs) I discovered they had an IDE for compiling their code. Although the intention of the program is to run it on a silicon labs device directly I found a way to get the necessary .bin file out of it. This was an important step because up until then I had no way to actually implement my code.


I had been experimenting with reading text files out of the SD card and had minimal success, One of the limiting factors on my progress was the interface the AudioMoth provided. There were two LED lights that I could use to indicate if the program was successful. However, towards the end of the day, I discovered what my problem was. The SD card had to be manually turned on. After implementing this I quickly got my program to run. My program wrote a custom name into the names of the files it exported. The only issue was I had to access this from the SD card and not the actual onboard memory. 


I spent most of the day exploring the possibility of allocating memory for the name. I was unsuccessful and after a talk with my manager, I decided to discontinue efforts on the project because it already met the needs of the company. I will be assigned a project next week. 


A photo I got driving through Yosemite

Just another Panorama

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