Chloe Antonson: Psychology and Neuroscience, Week Four

Posted in: Pinhead Intern Blogs, 2017 Interns, Chloe Antonson
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Me and my friend Sammi

This week I’ve been doing the same activities as usual in the lab. Though, a couple unexpected challenges arose for me also. One day, I was going to campus to attend a VO2,  which is a measurement of the volume of oxygen that is used by our bodies, but instead of observing the VO2, I accidentally locked my keys in my truck, in a two hour parking spot. So, I missed the VO2, but my coworkers were very understanding and helped me out by taking me home to get my spare key that I luckily just got the previous weekend! Also, I did get to attend another VO2 later that week, and it was definitely interesting to observe. I’ve explained a GXT in one of my previous posts, but a VO2 is different, in which we measure the volume of oxygen, rather than their heart rate, like we do in the GXTs. So, in the beginning, when a research participant first joins the FORCE Research Program, they undergo a few things, for example, blood draws, an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), a GXT (Graded Exercise Test), questionnaire surveys, and a VO2. After all of those things are done, they participate by doing 30 minutes of exercise, three days a week, for 16 weeks. Then, at the end of their 16 weeks, they undergo the same things they did in the beginning; this is to compare their before and after results of everything.
As I mentioned earlier, a couple unexpected challenges arose for me this week. One being locked keys in my truck, and the second being ashattered windshield.  It was the weekend, so I decided to drive to Greeley to visit my friend Sammi, and a rock did fly through my windshield while driving on the highway. It was scary at first and stressful later on, but thankfully I found a place to get it replaced!

my shattered windshield

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