Max Ordonez: Gravitational Waves and Astrophysics, Week Eight

Posted in: Pinhead Intern Blogs, 2016 Interns, Max Ordonez
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Max W8c

Our Suicide Squad poster

Thanks to Pinhead, I have just had the best eight weeks of my life, filled with nonstop curiosity and fun in the field of science. I am very sad to have left the lab for what probably will be the last time, as I cannot see myself applying to Northwestern. Kevin and I finalized a graph of frequencies based on the masses of each system to make sure they would be detectable by LISA, and the data we have obtained will be published in a paper by Kyle Kremer in the coming months, with our names on it. Kyle showed me that it was good to have other interests than science, as he obtained a Master’s degree in music

Max W8b

Thursday in Evanston

and went back to school to get his Ph.D. in physics. I finished reading papers on Centaurus X-4, a neutron star binary system, and extracted parameters from papers to help Aprajita and Slobodan with their research on it, as well as the other systems Kevin and I did the same for. After working with these mentors, I have a much clearer understanding of what working in the field of astrophysics is like, and I enjoyed doing so myself. The group I worked with in (and out) the lab was by far the best group of people I have ever spent a long amount of time with, and I am truly grateful for that.

On Thursday after work, six of the interns, including myself, went to go see the new movie, Suicide Squad, as it was showing in Evanston the night before the actual release date. Since it was the second to last day for most people in the lab, all of us wanted to do something after work, and I am grateful that we did. It was a horrible movie, but that night was filled with many laughs and was an all-around good time. Ben, another intern, used his Photoshop skills afterward to make a Suicide Squad poster with all of our faces on it, and I have to say it looks really good.

Max W8a

Bye Everyone!

I cannot fully describe the amount of fun I had over the course this summer, and am truly thankful for everyone who has helped me get so far along in my career in science.




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