Owen Doyle, Architectural Engineering, Week 1

Posted in: Pinhead Intern Blogs, 2022 Interns, Owen Doyle

Hi my name is Owen Doyle, I am studying architectural engineering at a firm called ME&E in Durango Colorado. In the beginning of this week, I began learning to use a 3D programming software called revit. I first started learning about mechanical engineering. Using ducts, air terminals, and AHU‘s to map out the inter-workings of a middle school’s ventilation system. This became very interesting to me because I had not previously known about all of the different types of ventilation systems needed including  return air, outside air, exhaust air, and supply air. They all had different effects and it was fun to learn about them. Then for a different middle school I started looking at ceiling plans. This included lighting, fire suppression, and vents. I had to learn about the different codes and conduct relating to all of these separate things and how they would interact with each other. It was nice to think about and map out in my brain what ways the ceiling would work and how it would look the most aesthetically pleasing. I was very surprised when I found out that fire suppression and lighting have to do with polar curves and that most of engineering has to do with parametrics because that was the math I was doing this year. It has been a good first week and i’m excited for the rest of the summer here!

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