Michael Price, Long Table Farm, week 2

Posted in: Pinhead Intern Blogs, Michael Price


Week 2 of working on the farm is now over and what a long rewarding week it was!

Monday started like most days do here, right at 7:00 am, doing things that are easy to do while the light is soft and the climate is cool.  On Monday morning it was picking snap peas.  From there, Kaleigh and parted ways, she went to go harvest parsley and I went to pick some zucchinis.  Zucchinis are delicate, the utmost care is needed when harvesting as to avoid creating any blemishes or scratches on the squash (yes zucchini is a squash).  After collecting the zucchinis I began to notice that my arms were starting to get really itchy, almost like a rash, but it actually turns out that the stalk of the plant has little fibers that cause little abrasions that become red and inflamed.  Once I had finished my zucchini task I went to help out Morgan in the shed where we washed and prepared veggies for the CSA which would be packed and delivered the next day.  After lunch disaster struck where Kaleigh had scraped her arm and ripped her shirt, and it was such a cool shirt!  This concludes our Monday.

On Tuesday I learned that being early pays off, because who ever is at the farm first on Mondays gets to help Kate in the flower tunnel, where it stays shady and cool as the world outside begins to heat up.  I was not there first, and had to clear a couple beds with Morgan and Kaleigh.  Tuesday was a lot of weeding, and what was what we did up until lunch.  After lunch Kaleigh Morgan and I made our way over to the shed to prepare the food for delivery later that day.  This went quick and then we were right back to weeding!  I also found a little toad which made me happy.

Due to last weeks issues with Kaleigh and me being overworked, we were given Wednesday off!  I took the first part of the day off, and then went out to dinner with Kaleigh and some of our friends from Durango.

Thursday was as you can guess, more weeding.  But it is micro weeding because we decided to do it before the radish bed turned into a Jungle of weeds.  It rained just after lunch so we were let off early.  After work I ventured to the Walgreens to see if I could get my second dose of the Covid vaccine, me an unaccompanied minor without his vaccine card, what a moron!  Thankfully I received my second dose without passing out and was on my way!

Friday I woke up with a fever and a killer migraine due to the vaccine, so I didn’t go into work that day.


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