Rhys Chambers: Autonomous satellite tracker

Posted in: Pinhead Intern Blogs, 2020 Interns, Rhys Chambers

July 25–published late oops!

Over the past few weeks, Rowen, Nate, and I ordered some of the parts of the satellite tracker and they are expected to arrive shortly. Our work days have consisted of treks to the post office and anxious encounters with the UPS delivery man as we wait for the final pieces to get here. Amidst the waiting, we have also used the laser printer in order to print the plastic box that will hold all of the electronics for the satellite tracker. The corners of the plastic box fit together like puzzle pieces and the front has a nice little design that adds some flavor to our otherwise ordinary plastic box. The tripod is also set up with some of the basic pieces that I will show in a picture below. Right now, it’s just a lot of waiting for the other pieces to come in.

The other day, Nate, Rowen, and I made a brief stop by Tacos del Gnar on our way back from the post office. The line was absolutely insane! We’ve been chowing down on lots of goldfish and pirouette cookies while working on the project, but I feel like it’s time for us to try some new snacks.

The only issues we’ve really had with the project so far have been in regards to the code. The code that we were given to work with only worked with a wifi shield, but we ordered an ethernet shield to work with the arduino code. We have emailed the man whose project guidelines we are following and are hoping for a response soon.

In other news, I have been lifeguarding a ton and overloading my body on copious amounts of coffee. My pet fish had a health scare because his tail basically shriveled up, but he’s looking a lot better now (it appears he regrew his tail–I’m not sure how that happened). The weather in Telluride has been pretty crummy with thunderstorms in the afternoons, but I’ve been getting up and running some local trails in the mornings before the clouds roll in later in the day. Other than that, my days are pretty monotonous, but it’s been a great summer so far!

The tracker so far!

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