Emma Berwanger: Prytime Medical, Week Three

Posted in: Pinhead Intern Blogs, 2020 Interns, Emma Berwanger


I can’t believe it’s my last week here! Time has flown by, but I look back and think of all the things I’ve been a part of for the company and I can’t believe I crammed it into three weeks. Today I started off by sending Emily the letter templates I made and made one more for her and Sharon. I re-filmed some of my troubleshooting for the STAAR video and edited some of it.

I also found a patent on a product that Mr. Spencer had been looking for for a long time. He had met some people at a convention that had made a special needle, but he lost their contact information and wanted to see if we could find the patent to reach out to them. I found it after reading over 20 patents (which isn’t as interesting as it might seem). I sent over the final version to the STAAR instructions, and make Emily a binder that had all of the 401k information in it.


Emily was gone today, which was super sad. We sit in offices right next to each other so I missed the banter. I re-shot some of the clips for the troubleshooting video and sent it over to Julie. She said it’ll be published on the Prytime Medical Website next week. I then found a property that Mr. Spencer was looking for on an appraisal website.

I also finished the first and second drafts of my Angela Hall, Where is she now? story. It’s about a lady who was saved with the REBOA while giving birth, and I got into contact with her and wrote about her baby and her. It should also be published on the Prytime website soon. I also started working on my internship presentation for the company.


Today was just filled with organizing Mr. Spencer’s contacts in an Excel sheet. His contacts are being converted into a program called Insightly. This program is made for the sales team so they can keep all the information about customers on one platform. I was going through to delete all of the contacts he had that weren’t potential costumers. I finished writing my Angela Hall story and sent it to the sales team.


I sat in on Huddle and then did some research on competitors for a board meeting that will be happening next week. It was crazy to me how much competition we have just in this one medical device company. I finished the edits on my Angela story, and then practiced for my presentation for the company tomorrow!

I got to leave work at 3:30 with Mrs. Spencer and we went to the San Antonio Riverwalk! I got some presents for my family and then the boys met us for dinner at the Chart House. It’s a spinning restaurant up in the Tower of the Americas. I got mahi-mahi, and it was amazing. The Spencers got me a going-away present, and the boys and I stayed up late watching Youtube videos to commemorate our last night together.


Gosh, I can’t believe it’s my last day already! My goal for today was to not cry at any point during the day. I finished up a few tasks but mainly spent my day reading the books they had given me that I was too busy to read while I was actually working. My parents came at 12:45 and I was so excited to see them. I did a presentation for the company and then we ate pie. Mrs. Spencer and I did cry when we said our goodbyes, but I was so grateful to get to stay with their family, and I know that I will see them when they come down to Colorado




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