Christian Lindler, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, Week 6

Posted in: Pinhead Intern Blogs, 2020 Interns, Christian Lindler

Hello! It’s hard to believe that it has already been six weeks. This week, I really wanted to get my multiprocessing/puzzle assignment finished so I could give the C programming language my full attention. Every single day I thought I could finally wrap it up, but I would always find a new critical flaw in the code. At first I tried to find the solutions by making almost a billion different processes, which of course did not work. Then, I was able to split the work into eight different sections and assign each section to a different processor on my computer. This still didn’t work because of other errors in my code. Finally after hours of troubleshooting and several meetings with David, I was able to get a working script that used multiprocessing. However, it was still too slow. I spent all of Friday finding ways to speed it up and fulfill all of the project’s requirements. I was able to find all solutions and write them to a text file in only three and a half minutes which I was very happy with. It felt great to finish the assignment considering I worked on it for so long.

Other than the multiprocessing assignment, I started learning about networks and learned a bit more about C. I also researched applications of computer science in music production as I will eventually have to give a presentation to the rest of the class about it. Outside of the internship I began filling out my common application for college and kept practicing the ACT, which meant that, overall, it was a very stressful week for me. Fortunately, I still found a little time to make music.

My digital audio workstation where I make music

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