Anaya Martinez: Environmental Engineering-Week 3

Posted in: Pinhead Intern Blogs, 2020 Interns, Anaya Martinez

This week was more of a “practice” week. My whole week was dedicated to learning and practicing how to code with Python.

Monday: On Monday, Noah had Indiana and I sign up for Codecademy. They give lessons and practice on different coding software. Noah had me focus on Python coding. For the rest of the day, I was practicing coding.

Tuesday: Today we had two sets of meetings. The first meeting was with Noah in the morning. In the meeting, Indiana and I updated Noah on how we were doing with coding and such. We then had our group meeting with Professor Landis. In the meeting, there wasn’t much to go over. My mentor, Noah, gave his qualifying presentation for a convention coming up. We went over the idea of “LifeCycle Thinking”. LifeCycle Thinking is basically the idea of thinking about products and by-products. For example, a cheese burger. So many factors play into the before and after “Life Cycle” of a cheese burger. The bread, cheese, meat, what was the process of making those products? Also what happens after the burger is eaten. We went over this thought process because, eventually each individual in the group will have to give a presentation that ties this thought process to our projects.

Wednesday & Thursday: On both Wednesday and Thursday, the Sustainable Buildings group (my group), had no meetings. So our days were dedicated to learning Python.

Friday: On Friday I had to leave for Arizona so I was unable to make the meetings. Fortunately, I finally got my computer fixed, so I am able to do the majority of future tasks. I also had to unsubscribe from Codecademy so it wouldn’t charge my card $200+ dollars.


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