Anza Connaughton, Spinal Rehabilitation at the Frazier Institute, Week 3

Posted in: Pinhead Intern Blogs, 2019 Interns, Anza Connaughton

Hi! I’m coming to the end of my third week at the Frazier Rehab Institute in Louisville, Kentucky. I’ve been here for 3 weeks now and I feel like I’m learning a lot and starting to perfect the tasks that I’ve been given.

This week was all about hands-on experience. During week one I got to learn all of the recording that is done on the data side of the research we are doing; this week I got to actually work with participants in addition to getting more practice on the computer. I don’t like to brag but my nickname around the office is “Rockin’ Anza”.

When we guide participants through exercises when they’re standing, it’s important to try and maintain positioning in the way that their body would have done before the injury. For example when doing squats, it’s important to push the knee outward and keep it aligned correctly with the outside of the foot. Additionally, the technician who is guiding the knee is also responsible for making sure that the knee isn’t hyperextended while the participant is standing. We always look to have good form during a session.

The stand frame where we do our sessions

This week I also got to learn about the spinal cord and how to determine the extent of the damage when an injury occurs. To do this, professionals will perform an exam called the ISNCSCI and test different parts of the body for sensation. Based on the grade of an injury, we’re able to tell what kind of motor function a patient has.

Additionally, I learned about types of conditions that might affect participants while they are participating in research. This way, if someone is feeling unwell, we are able to look for the symptoms and know what course of action must be taken.

I also got to spend a bit of time on the preparatory side of things. I have been learning how to place electrodes so that they stimulate the correct muscles during a stand session. I also learned how to set up and take down after each session and prepare for the next one (this includes picking the music which might be the most stressful part of the setup).

After hours this week, I hung out with my host family. We got Royal’s famous hot chicken and ice cream at their favorite spot in town.

The best ice cream in the city at Louisville Cream

This weekend, I’ve been catching up with my sister and some extended family while we go to Forecastle, a music festival on the banks of the river. It’s been really nice seeing family and I’m lucky they live so close.

Sunset at the waterfront

One of my favorite bands, The Killers, playing with the fireworks

I’m nearly halfway through my internship and time is flying by! So far it’s been really interesting and I can’t wait to see what else I can soak up while I’m here.

Bonus Fact: This week I learned that khakis don’t exist. My coworker Austin says that they are actually just khaki colored chinos and we shouldn’t be silly and make a generalization like that.

1 Comments for : Anza Connaughton, Spinal Rehabilitation at the Frazier Institute, Week 3
    • Lynn Padgett
    • July 22, 2019

    Fashion pro tips, fireworks, sunsets, music and ISNCSCI! What does ISNCSCI stand for? Great photos!

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