Gregor Remec, LASP Software Development, Week Six!

Posted in: Pinhead Intern Blogs, 2019 Interns, Greg Remec

This week was awesome, even though I only worked a day and a half.

Monday was super cool because the internship class and I were introduced to Qt and PyQt. These are both graphics libraries, meaning they make developing graphical applications super easy. This is fun because you can see the results of your code in the window. The only assignment I was able to look at was one that had me testing out a bunch of different widgets in PyQt, widgets are things like boxes, dials, and text headers. The assignment was super cool so I decided to do as much as I could there and some on my own time too.

Outside of work was most of my week, because I went home to Telluride for the 4th. It was super nice to see my family and my friends. The parade was great and there were so many people in town, it was a bunch of fun. On the 5th I went paddle boarding at woods lake, it was super fun and seeing the big (still snowy) mountains was awesome. It was sad to leave my family again but I was also super exited to go back to work. This is around the halfway point in my internship! It is super cool to think how far I’ve come since the beginning of summer and how much more I have to learn!

My pictures this week are of a meeting on Monday, and some cool stuff I saw on the drive back to Telluride. The first picture is a meeting on PyQt, meetings are how we get most of our assignments and this one was a long introduction to PyQt and the widgets and windows that make up most things in the library.

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