Miguel Ambriz Aerospace Engineering Week Five

Posted in: Pinhead Intern Blogs, 2018 Interns, Mike Ambriz

Week five had a major success, but we won’t actually be able to utilize the success because all of our equipment is still gone. Hydra now has no more errors and continues to run its commands and scripts without error. The script themselves were where the faults could be found. Contrary to what we thought, majority of the scripts were still looking for names labeled with QB50. We managed to change all of them to MXWL, but the errors persisted. We finally realized that there was another problem: the renaming and the additions that we put in the HK, TLM, and other packets were not changed in the scripts. So, we had to through the script packets to find those changes and rename them as we did during our first week here. With the setback of not actually being able to use our program, Aidan and I were essentially done with our project. Video calls with our mentor sorted out our plans. Aidan, having not even step foot in Telluride yet after more than a year, left this morning to be home a week early. His final assignment was a report on his activities over the past five weeks. I decided to stay the final week and planned out some possibilities for my last week. Andrew has suggested that I may be able to either wiring diagram work or, more likely, some different sensor testing with Les.

On time off, our week was very mellow. I mostly had just time spent with my host family and playing video games.

If I ever went outside, it looked a lot like this.

Aidan, as said before, left yesterday, so we all had a nice dinner together on Thursday eating Thai food (a first for me). It tasted amazing, and I unfortunately forgot to take a picture. Aidan and I also went to the nearby market for bagels and chips with salsa more often than normal. Our biggest highlight was going to a barber and getting spiffy haircuts, against what our host mom suggested. Oops… I’ll be spending the rest of my internship pretty much on my own and I hope to have a great sendoff before coming to back to Telluride!

We ate most if it…

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