Ella White: Addiction and Neuroscience, Final Week

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Ella White W6b

Olivier George

Week 6 July 20-July 24, 2015

The last week at Scripps went by fairly quickly. The majority of our time during the first few days was spent working on finishing, editing, and practicing our presentation scheduled for Friday. It basically covered the background of Kole, myself, Pinhead and the main research we participated in during the six weeks we were working under the George Lab.

Our mentors, specifically Marsida, helped out with fine tuning the layout and presentation of the information. Each day we did a mock presentation for Marsida and one on Wednesday in front of the George Lab. A mishap did occur in the loss of the PowerPoint on Wednesday, however, after reconstructing the presentation and altering it around critiques from the Lab, it turned out more fluid and put together than prior.

After a week of hard work the presentation on Friday went off without a hitch and was well praised. In all actuality, the presentation was fun to do, although nerve wracking to be standing in front of a group of scientists that know much more about the field than you do yourself, and thus notice any errors made.

Besides the presentation, this week we cleaned more rat cages and helped the college interns in completing their work with the rat groups. We also helped Molly finish more IV catheter surgeries for another group of rats, in addition to making more catheters. On Friday, after we presented, Giordano, Marsida, Molly and her daughter, and Olivier took us out to eat at the Hilton across the street. Throughout our time in the George Lab, up to the last moments, we have had plenty of knowledge in addiction and drugs tossed about us. It has been an amazing, as well as strengthening, experience to take a part in.

The knowledge shared and lessons given, I believe, have pushed me a little more towards adulthood and the path I want to take as I leave high school behind. Scientific research, although it receives some moral disapprobation, is important in understanding what we do not know, especially when it comes to learning about humans and the brain. In addition, the brain is such a mysterious and big part of our lives, what our worlds, you could say, revolve around, and I am keenly interested in such.

This internship has allowed me to meet many amazing people and expand my understanding of the world, the expanse of people living on this world and the variety of cultures interacting on a daily basis. With this I have expanded on the thought that life is a continuous struggle of survival in the growth of competition and that I must continuously work to increase my knowledge, abilities, creativity, and experiences because there will always exist someone better at everything I do. I am very grateful for this opportunity given to me and to all the people I have met during this experience.

Ella White W6

Elephant seals

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