Sabine: Week 2

I have been learning so much. Rob thinks that higher expression of a gene called SFRP5 is linked with increased fat in his genetically identical mice. Because of this, he has 6 mice that he is using to figure out the role of SFRP5 in fat mice vs. normal mice. These are the 6 mice […]


Jess- Week 1

WEEK 1:   Tybee Island has been both informative and full of excitement. My first week consisted of squid dissections, beach walks, sifting and seining classes, helping out the summer camps and learning hands on. At least once a day the summer camp heads out to the beach which is just steps from the Marine […]


The Third and Fourth Week

Week Three   This last span has been filled with results. First, I received the DNA sequences for the samples. I organized the results, and ran them against a library of known bacteria 16s rRNA genomes. For a brief summary of this process, the samples are sent out to a company which runs the sample […]


Week three

As I finish my third week here at AuburnVeterinary Teaching School, I’m beginning to understand two things about Auburn. One is that the humidity is overwhelming. The second realization is that Auburn is one of the best vet schools in the country and I am very fortunate to spend my internship here, thanks to the […]


Week Three

During the third week I continued to help Stephanie with her project, all of the containers of carbon-13 enriched phytoplankton have been fed to the organisms so now it is time to start testing the impact of the feeding. We collected samples of the organisms that have been fed the enriched phytoplankton and samples that […]


Sabine Week 1

I’m Sabine Lindler, and my internship is in Scarborough, Maine, at the Maine Medical Center Research Institute (MMCRI). I’m working under Dr. Robert Koza, who studies the role of epigenetics in obesity. Upon starting my internship, I had no idea what epigenetics meant, so I will explain what it means. For a while, it has been […]


The Second Week

Week Two   Ok, so what haven’t I done in these last two weeks? I could start by talking about all the biking both to and from the San Diego State campus (4.2 miles each way), or the running I have been doing, the swimming I have taken up, or the canoeing– but none of […]


Week Two

The second week of the internship things have gone much more smoothly. Since we found housing that is close to campus I have been able to ride my bike to the lab everyday. At the lab I’ve worked more with the college intern Stephanie and helped her with her project. I learned that a large […]


Week two

This week at AuburnVeterinary Teaching Hospital I got to help with a lot more hands on activities and procedures. I’ve helped castrate a boar pig and a young bull. I also was lucky enough to watch several surgeries including one in which the doctors reset a broken leg of a calf who was stepped on […]


Week One

I arrived in Santa Barbara mid-day on Monday and my parents drove me up to the house that I was going to be staying in. It was high up on the hills outside of the city and when we got there was saw the most beautiful home. The house was originally a Spanish misson, then […]

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