Jonah Jodlowski Week 3: Marine Biology

Good afternoon everybody! Things really started to heat up in the Miller lab this week. I’m talking literally and figuratively. John, another intern also working for Katrina, blew the fuse on our freeze dryer while trying to extract pigment from his algae samples. Oil spewed out everywhere and the smell of burning algae filled the […]


Justine Sherry: Starting at the REEF (the Research Experience and Education Facility), Week One

I arrived in Santa Barbara on a Sunday and got to explore the small college town where I will be living. I met with Scott Simon, the head of the REEF program and got a rundown of the program. The next day, I started working at my internship with the REEF program. This week I […]


Josh Ives, Computational Biology at CMU, Week 3

Hello everyone I just had a wonderful third week at my computational biology internship at CMU. I’m really excited to tell you guys about everything that I learned, but first there’s a point of particular interest. The my group under Josh Kangas may have discovered a new bacteria! One of the other interns had a […]


Jessica Barkemeyer Week 1: Emblematic Studios

I just finished the first week of my internship, during which I am staying in Los Angeles and working in a virtual reality studio studying computer science in filmmaking. The first day was mostly paperwork and getting to know the people in the office. They even let me try out a headset to watch some […]


Clara Carrasco: Aerospace Engineering, La Cuarta Semana

This week was a week of realizations. I realized that people tend to make things more complicated then what they are. By this I mean that my design for the Maxwell TVAC plate was way more complicated then it should’ve been. Upon this realization I edited the rails and made sure it would fit into […]


Kira Galbraith Week 5 (LAST WEEK): Forest Park Animal Hospital

I am thankful for my time at Forest Park Animal Hospital. I learned what a real life practice: dealing with emotional clients, being money efficient, and working as a team with your coworkers. I didn’t get to work too close to the animals because I’m not 18 so I wouldn’t be covered on their insurance. […]


Sean Taplin: Environmental Engineering, Week Five

This week, we did a complete successful test of the sensor network, using temperature sensors in place of the CO2 sensors. With three nodes, data was gathered, sent through the main node to a computer, which printed the data to a CSV file which was then used to create a data map on a web […]


Caroline Graham: Aerospace Engineering Week Four

Week four was a very productive week. The MAXWELL gyroscopes were ordered and I wrote up an experiment similar to the test done on gyroscopes for the QB50 satellite in the past. The hang test will allow the accuracy of several triple axis gyroscopes to be analyzed. To do this, a camera and software will be […]


Eric Gutierrez Week 4: Aerospace Engineering

Welcome back to week four of my blog! This week, by far, has been the most productive of them all. Up to this point, we have been practicing effective methods of producing the wings. From stage one where we mark and cut the baffles and the rectangular piece for the wing, all the way to […]


Claire Shaver- Behavioral Science, Week 4

This week was my 4th week at the Bernier Lab at the Center on Development and Disability at the University of Washington. This week there was only two CONNECT-FX visits, so it was a pretty slow week in terms of seeing study participants. When the CONNECT-FX visits were not happening, I was working on data […]


Anza Connaughton, Spinal Rehabilitation at the Frazier Institute, Week 4

Hello again! It’s me, Anza, and I’m a pintern learning about the world of adult neuro recovery in Louisville, Kentucky. At this point, I’ve earned a place at Frazier as the department “pinhead” (my coworkers originally thought that pinhead was a joking insult that was next to my name on the schedule). The fourth week […]


Where Philanthropy and Mixology Meet

Pinhead’s Science of Cocktails Saturday at Transfer Warehouse

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