Carter Andrew: Conservation Metrics: Week 7

Monday: I spent most of my morning working on researching how to make an installer file. This was inspired by a meeting I had about integrating my projects into the workflow at CMI.  If we could set the file up in the same to place on every computer we could devise an R script that […]


Anza Connaughton, Spinal Rehabilitation at the Frazier Institute, Week 6

Hello there friends! This week marked week 6 of 7 of my time here Louisville, Kentucky interning at the Frazier Institute. This week is my second-to-last week at the center but that didn’t stop me from continuing to learn more about the work that we’re doing. I’ve obviously learned a lot about research, spinal cord […]


Claire Shaver- Behavioral Science, Week 6

This week was my 6th week at the Bernier Lab, and it went by in a whirlwind. At the beginning of the week we were preparing for the conference visits to start on Wednesday. This involved getting final paper work together, setting up testing kits, and lots more. Once the conference started up, I observed […]

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